Obsessive-compulsive disorder

It is characterised by repetitive unpleasant thoughts or compulsive ruminations, impulses and/or recurrent compulsive actions that persist for at least two weeks on most days.
Symptoms of obsessive-compulsive disorder

Compulsive thoughts and actions are thereby recognised as products of one's own mind and are not regarded as having been input by people or external influences:

  • They occur repeatedly.
  • They are experienced as unpleasant.
  • At least one compulsive thought or action is recognised as excessive or inappropriate.
  • At least one compulsive thought or action cannot be successfully suppressed.
  • Performing the compulsive action only briefly leads to a small relief and a decrease in physical tension.

These symptoms and complaints may indicate obsessive-compulsive disorder:

  • Obsessive thoughts (thoughts, ideas or images):
    Perceived danger of contamination, infection, poisoning, illness, striving for symmetry or order, etc.
  • Compulsive actions (patterns of action):
    Repetitive behaviours and patterns that promise relief to the sufferer. These include compulsions to wash, clean, control and order.

Untreated OCD can have strong effects on the psyche. Great dangers arise for a dependence on alcohol and medication, loss of control, depression - always associated with a high level of suffering and an accompanying social withdrawal.


Praxis Schmidt-Staub
Osterfelddamm 105
30627 Hanover

Tel.: +49 (0) 511 34052817
Fax: +49 (0) 511 34052818

E-Mail: praxis-schmidt-staub@online.de
Please feel free to contact us
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Neurology, Psychiatry and Psychotherapy Centre in Hanover

We take care of your worries and problems. You can rely on our many years of experience and the use of the latest therapeutic methods and technologies.