Every stroke is a medical emergency, which is why those affected should receive professional care as quickly as possible. They should be admitted to a hospital, preferably with a special stroke unit. When the warning signs first appear, it is essential to take them seriously, as within the first few hours the possible damage can be kept to a minimum. If in doubt, always call the emergency services and have the cause clarified. In this case, the motto "time is brain" should be applied!
Briefly recurring symptoms should also be taken seriously. They could indicate a TIA (transient ischaemic attack), which is a warning sign of a stroke.
Prevention and therapy of stroke:
In order to avoid a stroke, patients who suffer from a regression should have the cause clarified immediately! After acute treatment in a neurological clinic, rehabilitation treatment is often necessary, during which the lost functions are trained again. Disabilities may nevertheless remain. However, damaged functions can often still regenerate as nerve tissue forms new networks. Intensive training supports the recovery process.